This class is all about the quads. Chris begins with some strengthening exercises which are great methods for finding and engaging those muscles. She then moves into stretching them. This class first aired on Facebook Live on June 8th.
Beginning with joint mobilization, Chris keeps the idea of mobility and range-of-motion as a priority throughout the class. With deep lunges, splits and squats, this class is sure to challenge both strength and flexibility. This class first aired on Facebook Live on June 7th.
This is a general open level flow that tends toward the more challenging. It is available to all skill levels and if you are newer to the practice, you may be taking some modifications in things like crow pose, dancer pose, malasana or firelog pose. This class first aired on Facebook Live on June 6th.
Chris leads a broad-based, general beginners plus class. From low lunges to a bit of strengthening in side plank to some deep leg stretches, this class hits all the major points. This class first aired on Facebook Live on June 6th.
Tracy leads a slow, long hold yin class that works the hips in an open position through various poses. She incorporates a mindfulness practice. This class first aired on Facebook Live on June 5th.
Brian opens the class by explaining the concept of taking your yoga off of your mat and incorporating it into your daily life before taking you through a vigorous, challenging class that is open to most practitioners. This class focuses on building core strength and incorporates some handstand prep drills. It first aired on Facebook Live on June 5th.
Chris leads a class that thoughtfully and intelligently builds up to front splits, or hanumasana. Starting off reclined, Chris opens up the hamstrings. She moves into some lunges and standing poses and progresses the stretch into the quads and calves until you are ready to explore the full split expression. This class first aired on Facebook Live on June 4th.
Tracy begins this class in a seated position with some neck and spine mobility movements. She continues with the spinal mobility in seated forward folds and progresses into some inner thigh and outer hip work. This class first aired on Facebook Live on June 3rd.
Brian leads a general flow class with a bit of challenge including bird of paradise, forearm stand and wheel pose. He speaks in the beginning about enjoying the journey of your experience instead of focusing on the destination. This is more enjoyable and also ensures greater success. This class first aired on Facebook Live on June 3rd.
This class begins with a focus on the upper body, the neck, shoulders and torso. Chris takes us through some stretches seated, kneeling and then standing. She then moves into the lower body. She shows how to progressively increase the challenge so that everyone can work a bit. This class first aired on Facebook Live on June 2nd.